30+ kids at Pine Valley and 70+ from Garden Square. Visitation is awesome. Seeing the smiles on the kids faces when they see you and you hand them a flyer about the next week of SWSS. Some think it is time to go to another session of SWSS. Having the opportunity of visiting with their parents and writing down their prayer concerns. Then comes the best part.. praying over them and giving them a hug before you leave.
A personal invite from me to you.
I encourage you to become a part of SWSS. Come, observe , and you will be blessed.
For we are God's hands and feet here on earth. Most importantly, we are His
"Kingdom Builders.
Our needs: volunteers
candy (small & wrapped individually)
DVD/Video player
Prayer Concerns: Holy Spirit continues to guide us to do His will.
Hearts will be touched and lives will be changed.
Any questions you may have about SWSS, please call me 868-3151 or email me at maryingle@yahoo.com or mary.ingle@nwsc.k12.in.us
Faithfully serving,
Mary Ingle