Christ has predestined (preplanned) our works (mission) in advance. God did not save us so that we could just be Sunday church goers, but to be DOERS not just hearers. Jesus has a mission for each and every one of us to accomplish for His Kingdom gain in every generation. All which has been planned in advance and perfectly timed. In His sovereignty, God has chosen to do His work through us. If we miss our ministry, we will miss our entire purpose in remaining here.
Faith is the key. When we step out and put complete trust in God, we become His Risk Takers. God does all the work through us by giving Him our hearts, hands, and feet. I am challenging each one of you to become a "Risk Taker" by stepping out and sharing with others about KUO/SWSS, and if you are not involved with us, pray and see where God wants you to serve. He may just want you to be a prayer warrior or He may want your hands and feet to be used as His.
God has blessed us so abundantly at KUO with awesome volunteers, provisions, prayers being answered, and He just keeps opening doors for us. God has allowed us to be Risk Takers and to step out in faith by starting another site of SWSS in September. We are headed to Stoney Creek Mobile Home Community. There are approximate 30+ kids . I am so excited about going there and building relationships with them and their families. Most importantly, sharing the love of Christ with them.
If you feel the Spirit tugging on your heart to be a Risk Taker on Saturday, September 15th from 2:00-3:00, please email me. Please pray and seek God for His guidance and wisdom about where He wants you to be used as His Risk taker. I want to share this inspiration poem with all of you and it would be a prayer to meditate on. Then listen for the Spirit to speak to you. It is by St. Teresa of Avila.
Our cookouts are still going great!!! We have wonderful volunteers who are very devoted in coming out every Sunday and serving the residents at Pine Valley.
We have been serving 50+ every week. We have developed close relationships with a lot of the families. They offer to help us serve and clean up.
Our volunteers from Alto UMC brought two flavors of ice cream last week. That was really a hit!! I don't know who enjoyed it the most, adults or the kids. HA!!
Thank you to all of you who comes to help serve, donates, and you prayer
warriors. God has truly blessed us at both sites.
All of you are invited to join us at PV any Sunday. We are there around 3:00 at the Community Center and start serving between 4:15 and 4:30. We stop at 5:30.
Again, THANK YOU from all of us at KUO. God bless, Mary
WOW!!! How time flies when you are having fun. We have just finished our first Summer Sidewalk Sunday School``. We averaged 10 kids from Garden Square on Thursdays and 14 kids at Pine Valley on Fridays. The kids really enjoyed the lessons on the "Sermon on the Mount". Better known as The Beatitudes. The kids learned that we are to have the attitude and views of Christ. I told them that if they confess that Jesus lives in their hearts, then they must "Walk the Talk". Let others see Jesus in them. During our last seeion, instead of separating in small groups, we prayed over all of them. I shared with them that we were still doing the cookouts but ending SWSS until mid September. (Alto UMC will be leading it. Praise God!!) They wished we could still do SWSS . I might squeeze in a bible story and singing with the kids at our cookouts. When we have extra volunteers, we usually play games with them. They love the parachute.
I would like to say "THANK YOU" to all of the volunteers that helped me with SSWSS. Thank you for sharing your love for Christ and serving others. All of you really did a great job. Also for all who donated snacks, supplies, and prayers. May God bless each one of you more abundantly for your faithfulness and obediencee to Him. Faithfully Serving, Miss Mary
A big THANK YOU to Grace UMC for a great VBS. Thank you for organizing and sharing VBS with all of us at KUO. The kids really had a blast. We averaged 60+ kids per night. It was an amazing and awesome week.
Also, THANK YOU for an incredible first ever "Block Party" Friday night for all of the kids and their families at Garden Square. The fellowship, food and music by Stephen Sherwood and Praise band, WOW!! WOW!!! WOW!! They are so anointed with theirmusic, praise and worship. You guys were great!!! The families loved it!! You have been asked to come back and do another concert. Thank You!! We love you all for your love for Christ and your testimonies. You blessed all of us. God bless you guys over and over...Mary Ingle
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