Thursday, February 21, 2008

2008 Budget

Executive Director ---------------36,500.00
Medical Insurance -----------------7,400.00
Administrative Assistant--------- 10,000.00
Crisis Childcare Director----------- 9,360.00
Social Security Taxes-------------- 4,500.00
Fund Raising------------------------ 500.00
Office Supplies--------------------- 1,000.00
Postage ------------------------------500.00
Liability Insurance----------------- 2,200.00

Grand Total -------------------71,960.00

One Prayer

Jilly(not her real name) told me how she prayed for Jesus to come into her heart during Sidewalk Sunday School. She is a special little girl who loves Jesus and loves to be in church where she can experience peace and joy. Her simple prayer not only has affected her life but that of her family.

We have lots of stories of how one prayer changed a life. Check back later for more stories.

One Trophy

Kid of the week trophies have changed the life of many children. It was hard for me to believe that one trophy could change a life. There are stories of children sleeping with trophies, of taking trophies to school and since one boy became kid of the week his behavior at school has dramatically changed. The trophies promote self esteem and excellence. It makes every kid feel important and gives the children a sense of accomplishment. To become Kid of the Week, a child must not just be good, they must be excellent. They must display great table manners, talk quietly, and participate appropriately during Sidewalk Sunday School.

This semester the United Methodist Men at Grace UMC provided the trophies. Thanks.

One Person

At KUO we have many, many stories of how one person makes a difference. There is Suzie who picks up children in the cold, rain, snow, heat to bring them to Sidewalk Sunday School. She patiently eats with the children, cares for the children and is loved by the children. She knows the children by name and knows many parents. She is used by Jesus each week to make a difference.

History of Easter Basket Workshop

The Easter Basket Workshop began in 2006 when Tribune reporter Tom Carey brought us thirty well filled Easter baskets to give to children who were in need. I shared with a mother that we would be giving her child a basket the Sunday before Easter. She said, "I wish I could give a basket to her". I asked her if we had a Easter Basket workshop would she come and make one for her and she said, "yes".

I then called Tom Carey and asked if we could take the baskets apart. I told him in 5 days we would have the workshop. Tom put an article in the paper and the donations came pouring in. Easter grass in bales, 1/2 pound chocolate rabbits, balls, yo yo's, candy eggs, full size candy bars, gum, we had it all. The first year 150 baskets were made and the second year 500 baskets went out the back door. I am anxious to see what happens in 2008,