A Buddy Bag is a way to address childhood hunger on the weekends. At the end of each week during the school year, every child who signs up receives a bag of food for the weekend. A typical bag contains: 2 packs of oatmeal, marconi and cheese and tuna, a can of ravioli, 2 cans of soup and a granola bar. The cost for a bag is a little over $3.00 per week per student or $120.00 per month. The food is purchased wholesale through food finders in Lafayette. Each bag has exactally the same food in it so that families will more than one child at school is able to take the food and mix it to feed the whole family. Presently, Buddy Bags are distrubted at :
Elwood Haynes 320 students
Boulvard 150-200 students
Western Primary 150-200 students
Eastern Elementary about 50 students
Elwood Haynes is served by KUO staff and volunteers. We are looking for volunteers to help us deliver the food to the school each week.
Boulvard will be served by the First Church of the Nazarene. The church provides volunteers, a location to pack bags and helps with funding.
Western is served by Russiaville UMC and other churches and businesses in area. Last year this group served Head Start at Western, Head Start has moved to Kokomo, so they will be taking on the primary school. This group funds the bags completely.
Eastern is served by the churches in Greentown, with First UMC taking the lead. They too, fully fund the program at the school.