Thursday, November 15, 2007

Task Force Members

Mark Sloss
Christ Lutheran Church
Mary Pruiett
First Christian Church and Bon-Air School
Greg Reed
Morning Star Church
Travis Taflinger
Bridges Outreach
Casey Cline
Bridges Outreach
Jeff Newton
Kokomo Urban Outreach
Ned Hoover
First Nazarene
Shirley Hoy
Grace UMC
Dee Lohman
Executive Director of PreK-12 Instructional Services
Ted Schuck
School Board Member and retired Principal

plus representatives from all 11 elementary schools in the corporation.

Monday, October 15, 2007


  • Expand what is already working into more churches, more schools!
  • Training program for mentors/ tutors?”
  • How many church have seen this presentation?
  • Go to all churches where they are
  • Go to the churches rather than them come to us
  • Go to them/ marketing
  • Open church in neighbors- go to church as for help

  • Advertise locally
  • Share building (exactly what bridges use)
  • Church/ community kid centers are not open in Fridays
  • Market already existing at community centers
  • English students /LEP ESL/LED
  • Go to local pastor groups 10% part downtown alliance
  • Talk to Huddle
  • Great Banquet
  • 5% kids come to bridges to stay away from home.
  • Head start/ 21st cent = Marilyn Skinner KAK
  • Education of the church- understanding
  • What can we do now!
  • Get into schools
  • Coordinate churches
  • Call schools need help!
  • Establish relationship there - school- church
  • Educate churches on adopting schools!
  • If church cant’s go to school
  • Who do we contact- Jeff KUO
  • Middle School/ High School should not be neglected – battle the problem
  • Elementary useful prevent problem
  • Relationship
  • Children with in sports
  • Adult/ family class programs
  • Breach the cycle
  • Schools as a distribution center for food


  • Expansion (existing programs)
  • Go to them (congregation presentation)
  • Marketing (local)
  • After-hours use church facility
  • Sports (neighborhoods)
  • Schools- willing to use
  • Community centers
  • ESL/ LEP
  • School/ pantry
  • All schools relationships
  • Education/ church

Youth and Children Programs

Enough programs?

Not well known, marketing an issue

Transportation to the activity is the problem

Somebody has to subsidize program if particpants can't pay

Possible problems

Gap parent and kids

At risk kids can’t afford it

If things cost money how do we bridge the gap

Step back and look at programs and see what impact the lives of our children

Possible problem: Church not willing to work together (deep seeded mistrust)

The community foundation will help support a discussion community forum

Get the church to take care of its neighbored—minister to the neighborhood and listen to the needs.

Market better

Share opportunities

Community forum

All pro dad programs

Carver Center untapped resource not just basketball ie computer labs etc.

Could churches sponsor a student at Carver center for $12.00 per year?

Market better

Share opportunities


Community forum

Church has to come outside the walls

Needs to be a clearing house with information

Youth sports

Mentoring developing trust

Newsletters at schools to go home with info

Make a link with youth pastors

Partner with Great Banquet, Huddle, Youths sport programs

Possible "pick up" sports day where kids just show up and play a game, learning as they play

Lots of empty church gyms on Friday and Saturday.

Family Homelessness and Single Father issues

  • Cam House- emergency housing for 3 families (planning)
  • Purchase houses/ condos/ apts for continuum of care
  • Ministerial Assoc become involved
  • How to staff and maintain? Houses
  • Research what other cities are doing- Logansport Emmaus Ministries
  • Staffing could make jobs of houses
  • Get small business interested
  • Breakdown barriers of competition among churches
  • Groups of churches working together to solve a specific problem- doing a great deal for an issue not a little for many issues
  • This is a generational problem
  • Research how many homeless families and single father families need to be served
  • Relationships with people
  • How to get churches on board
  • Contact 211, Cam, Kokomo Rescue Mission, Schools for hard numbers
  • Get Budget established
  • Not a handout, but a handup
  • 3 main issues in getting things started
  • Get data chronically homeless.
  • Get working budget on paper to run a house
  • Get church to focus together on one issue.( make a plan for individual churches)
  • Small business scoped to help with sustainability of program

Road blocks:

  • Competing between churches
  • Fear
  • Weakness of relationship between pastors n the community
  • Churches fear loss of money for internal uses.

Food Insecurity

  • How can we fix the problem?
    • What’s the next step
    • People should not be going hungry in our community
  • aim at better nutrition not just more to eat- better choices
  • Access to food/ can’t get groceries at convenience stores- the cost is prohibitive at end of moth they are out of food at beginning of month the buy a lot because they have been hungry for the last 10 days
  • Pantries need to make sure the food goes together
    • Pasta- sauce
    • Cereal- milk
  • May not have a refrigerator to keep things cold
  • Could a church do milk?
  • Coordination of churches and food banks
  • Crisis center has fridges/ can we use some to give to food banks
  • There are lots of food banks that people don’t know about
  • Food banks must rely on donations and sometimes they don’t come in
  • Summer- kids only can eat- not parents
  • Not published enough that there is food for kids in summer- grant for schools
  • Sometimes kids eat at school through week- but have little on the weekend
  • Food (lunch) Spirit Wind Church - Wednesday
  • Food (lunch) Fresh Start- Tuesday
  • Kokomo Rescue Mission -every day
  • Teach parents the right things to cook
  • In summer while kids are out of school they eat more so the food stamps don’t go as far
  • Can groceries come to downtown for the urban people
  • Would grocery stores shuttle folks to their stores
  • Get to know your neighbors talk to them- visit them
  • Get out of your church walls- to see what people need
  • Group used to sponsor milk vouchers
  • Food pantry communications need some meeting where people can agree
  • Need list of all food pantries (1st/ step)
  • So every church will know how to reach pantries
  • Golden choral, etc. can put food they don’t use in freezer and volunteers can pick up and distribute- is it legal
  • Send e-mails to all about food pantries meetings
  • Angel Food Ministries/ all churches are with-in walking distance
  • Why can’t we do this with local groceries
  • Churches could distribute
  • Could feed for whole month (Angel food)
  • Could be people in your church- even is you don’t know it- they might be going hungry
  • May just have just one week of a little extra
  • Not asking for help
  • Sometimes its pride
  • Make just a little too much
  • 1 church in charge to distribute
  • Advertise what needs are
  • Pantries could swap if one has too much of something and the other has something else- etc. cereal for tomato sauce
  • Needs could be put on web site
  • Community garden maybe people could be taught to can tomatoes- green beans- potatoes
  • Non-essential items
    • Tooth paste/ tooth brush- diapers/ toilet paper/ detergent
    • Food stamps do not pay for
  • People usually need toilet paper- this is what they look for
  • If you have never went hungry- you really don’t understand what is like
  • Doing what Jesus told us to do- if you love me feed my sheep- feed my lambs- not just spiritual
  • Most problems core from being hungry
    • Can’t concentrate
    • Can’t think
    • Can’t make decisions
  • Go to bed without dinner tonight and not breakfast in the morning- see how well you can think
  • Transportation should not enter if all churches would be involved in food distribution
  • Find people outside your church
  • Churches-soup kitchens- alternate weekends
  • Angels Food Ministries- or the like
  • Churches could take turns cooking- staffing- distribution
  • Church buses used to get people to get food (groceries) (volunteers- staffing- drivers-gas)
  • Could also deliver groceries to people
  • Volunteers are the main issue
  • Need to be coordinated (communications)
  • Model after meals on wheels as far as distribution
  • How many soup kitchens?
  • Meal everyday- shared by several churches
  • Different groups of churches (then one from each group come together)
  • Would you be willing to have poor needy to fish fries, chic and noodles, etc. for free?
  • Get all for community- needs one person in charge- then a committee to let everyone know what we have and what is needed
  • Keep in touch with Jeff after meeting with your churches to see what they think your need are

Saturday, August 18, 2007

August Sidewalk Sunday School

Risk takers steps out in faith for Him. When we know that God is wanting us to be "Risk Takers" and we invest our time, money, prayers, the Word, and live by serving others, how can we fail? We can't because the Word tells us, "He who lives in us is greater than he who lives in the world." We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us.
Christ has predestined (preplanned) our works (mission) in advance. God did not save us so that we could just be Sunday church goers, but to be DOERS not just hearers. Jesus has a mission for each and every one of us to accomplish for His Kingdom gain in every generation. All which has been planned in advance and perfectly timed. In His sovereignty, God has chosen to do His work through us. If we miss our ministry, we will miss our entire purpose in remaining here.
Faith is the key. When we step out and put complete trust in God, we become His Risk Takers. God does all the work through us by giving Him our hearts, hands, and feet. I am challenging each one of you to become a "Risk Taker" by stepping out and sharing with others about KUO/SWSS, and if you are not involved with us, pray and see where God wants you to serve. He may just want you to be a prayer warrior or He may want your hands and feet to be used as His.
God has blessed us so abundantly at KUO with awesome volunteers, provisions, prayers being answered, and He just keeps opening doors for us. God has allowed us to be Risk Takers and to step out in faith by starting another site of SWSS in September. We are headed to Stoney Creek Mobile Home Community. There are approximate 30+ kids . I am so excited about going there and building relationships with them and their families. Most importantly, sharing the love of Christ with them.
If you feel the Spirit tugging on your heart to be a Risk Taker on Saturday, September 15th from 2:00-3:00, please email me. Please pray and seek God for His guidance and wisdom about where He wants you to be used as His Risk taker. I want to share this inspiration poem with all of you and it would be a prayer to meditate on. Then listen for the Spirit to speak to you. It is by St. Teresa of Avila.
Christ has
No body now on earth but yours;
No hands but yours;
No feet but yours;
Yours are the eyes
Through which is to look out
Christ's compassion to the world;
Yours are the feet
With which he is to go about
Doing good;
Yours are the hands
With which he is to bless now.
Love In Christ.... Miss Mary
Our cookouts are still going great!!! We have wonderful volunteers who are very devoted in coming out every Sunday and serving the residents at Pine Valley.
We have been serving 50+ every week. We have developed close relationships with a lot of the families. They offer to help us serve and clean up.
Our volunteers from Alto UMC brought two flavors of ice cream last week. That was really a hit!! I don't know who enjoyed it the most, adults or the kids. HA!!
Thank you to all of you who comes to help serve, donates, and you prayer
warriors. God has truly blessed us at both sites.
All of you are invited to join us at PV any Sunday. We are there around 3:00 at the Community Center and start serving between 4:15 and 4:30. We stop at 5:30.
Again, THANK YOU from all of us at KUO. God bless, Mary
WOW!!! How time flies when you are having fun. We have just finished our first Summer Sidewalk Sunday School``. We averaged 10 kids from Garden Square on Thursdays and 14 kids at Pine Valley on Fridays. The kids really enjoyed the lessons on the "Sermon on the Mount". Better known as The Beatitudes. The kids learned that we are to have the attitude and views of Christ. I told them that if they confess that Jesus lives in their hearts, then they must "Walk the Talk". Let others see Jesus in them. During our last seeion, instead of separating in small groups, we prayed over all of them. I shared with them that we were still doing the cookouts but ending SWSS until mid September. (Alto UMC will be leading it. Praise God!!) They wished we could still do SWSS . I might squeeze in a bible story and singing with the kids at our cookouts. When we have extra volunteers, we usually play games with them. They love the parachute.
I would like to say "THANK YOU" to all of the volunteers that helped me with SSWSS. Thank you for sharing your love for Christ and serving others. All of you really did a great job. Also for all who donated snacks, supplies, and prayers. May God bless each one of you more abundantly for your faithfulness and obediencee to Him. Faithfully Serving, Miss Mary
A big THANK YOU to Grace UMC for a great VBS. Thank you for organizing and sharing VBS with all of us at KUO. The kids really had a blast. We averaged 60+ kids per night. It was an amazing and awesome week.
Also, THANK YOU for an incredible first ever "Block Party" Friday night for all of the kids and their families at Garden Square. The fellowship, food and music by Stephen Sherwood and Praise band, WOW!! WOW!!! WOW!! They are so anointed with theirmusic, praise and worship. You guys were great!!! The families loved it!! You have been asked to come back and do another concert. Thank You!! We love you all for your love for Christ and your testimonies. You blessed all of us. God bless you guys over and over...Mary Ingle

Visit my blog here.

Individual Volunteers

We appreciate and thank every volunteer!!While many come to work with their church groups many come to help on their own. Every volunteer that filled out a form for the summer are listed below:

  1. Angie Sparks
  2. Harry Sparks
  3. Betty Spencer
  4. Jackie Patterson
  5. Gloria Strickland
  6. Eve Yohn
  7. Pam Yohn
  8. Chris Newton
  9. Pete Blue
  10. Norma Blue
  11. Jamie Willis
  12. Ed Catron
  13. Pat Catron
  14. Grant Poytner
  15. Margi Bailey
  16. Avery Cosley
  17. Suzanne Phillips
  18. Judy Whorley
  19. Dinny Bailey
  20. Mary Ingle
  21. Melissa Zimmerman
  22. Stephanie Berghoff
  23. Karen Malone
  24. Jerry Berghoff
  25. Pam Grohman
  26. Suzie Zody
  27. Lanna Kirtley
  28. Margret Brown
  29. Shirley Hoy
  30. Dee Hostetler
  31. Gary Hostetler
  32. Boyd Mozingo
  33. April Mozingo
  34. Dan Mozingo
  35. Cindi Meyers
  36. Walt Doering
  37. Melba Doering
  38. Evan Strong
  39. Mike Tarner
  40. Jean Tarner
  41. Marla Edmonds
  42. Judy Rider
  43. Allison Berghoff
  44. Richard Lightsey
  45. Sawyer Lightsey
  46. Karen Zimmerman
  47. Leanna Zimmerman
  48. Peter Inman
  49. Molly Lauterbach
  50. John Alexander
  51. Sandy Hurst
  52. Sheri Fogelberg
  53. Mark Sloss
  54. Courtney Fogelberg
  55. Eric Fogelberg
  56. Anna Sloss
  57. Ron Harper
  58. David Plantenga
  59. Madelyn Stanforth
  60. Mark Stanforth
  61. Robin Van Auken
  62. Jerry Van Auken
  63. Martha Howshaw
  64. Andrew Van Auken
  65. Joel Van Auken
  66. Vanessa Grohman
  67. Aaron Van Auken
  68. Cathy Shaw
  69. Nick Osborne
  70. Kirsten Milliron
  71. Levi Millron
  72. Travis Taflinger
  73. Casey Cline
  74. Alyse Adkins
  75. Brandon Kidwell
  76. Keri Barnes
  77. Colby Cuthbert
  78. Kara Blattner
  79. Shelia Bailey
  80. Val Cuthbert
  81. Val Harris
  82. Brad Johnson
  83. Emily Thice
  84. Alex Kohne
  85. Jordan Kohne
  86. Cindy Kohne
  87. Pat Kohne
  88. Bill Ramseyer
  89. Paula Shrock
  90. Lori Collins
  91. Katie Vahie
  92. Molly Locke
  93. Katie Davisson
  94. Kritie Vahle
  95. Jim Williams
  96. Susan Garner
  97. Liza Fiers
  98. Taylor Kennedy
  99. Erik Kile
  100. Clarinda Crawford
  101. John Vahle
  102. Tracy Campbell
  103. Bonnie Minor
  104. David Kilty
  105. Regina Kilty
  106. Walter Rossmanith
  107. Martha Rossmanith
  108. Beth Swing
  109. Kent Kessler
  110. Bruce Larson
  111. April Larson
  112. Sandy Wilhoite
  113. John Stark
  114. Teri Stark
  115. Emily Stark
  116. Alexandria stark
  117. Anna Stark
  118. Mike Lupoi
  119. Cristi Brewer-Allen
  120. McKale Brewer
  121. Brevin Allen
  122. Tireon Allen
  123. Rylee Burnet
  124. Kasey May
  125. Kaile Branch
  126. Modeline Cassidy
  127. Ashli Minor
  128. Kaylee Johnson
  129. Bailey Sandlin
  130. Whitney Weir
  131. Heather Hemmeger
  132. Brittany Camp
  133. Darrian Greene
  134. Ashely Neniman
  135. Aly Robins
  136. Mark McClure
  137. Jennifer McClure
  138. Christine McClure
  139. Kimberley McClure
  140. Allexandria McClure
  141. Jeremiah McClure
  142. Ann Ihms
  143. Hannah Ihms
  144. Bruce Bryant
  145. Peggy Hawk
  146. Shirley Hatfield
  147. Marsha Sanders
  148. Nolan Sanders
  149. Cameron Sanders
  150. Elizabeth Hoover
  151. Michael Meehan
  152. Renate Musgrove
  153. Debbie Meehan
  154. Debbie Mitts
  155. Courtney Mitts
  156. Betty Corn
  157. Betty Fields
  158. Christine Whitaker
  159. Linda Reed
  160. Deanna Ancil
  161. Sherry Matlock
  162. Gale Eikenberry
  163. Bev Wartenburger
  164. Lee Pike
  165. Kevin Cornell
  166. Dan Grinsdale
  167. Joyce Eikenberry
  168. Thomas McGrew
  169. Jim Fuller
  170. Harry Williams
  171. Joyce Ancil
  172. Jason Kelly
  173. Marsha Ward
  174. Geri Brewster
  175. Robert Bell
  176. Kati Carter
  177. Jenny Jones
  178. Victoria Failor
  179. Hailey Quacles
  180. Nathan Vent
  181. Ashley Newton
  182. Stephanie Hollingsworth
  183. Micah Kistler
  184. Brodic Malone
  185. Rachael Arredondo
  186. John Wheeler
  187. Matt Boicourt
  188. Kyle Wysong
  189. Candra Smith
  190. Christina Galloway
  191. Dannielle Reed
  192. James Reed
  193. James Miller
  194. Mary Miller
  195. Mona Phifer
  196. Stacy Stoyke
  197. Dixie Hogan
  198. Mike Klutzank
  199. Alan Weaver
  200. Ethel Devine
  201. Mallory Willis
  202. John King
  203. Shem Nuss
  204. Denise Renhenberger
  205. Jerry Renhenberger
  206. Tom Collins
  207. Andrea Brown
  208. Kelcy Compton
  209. Alan Burns
  210. Anne Reder
  211. Alex Eruer
  212. Margaret Gillis
  213. Jeneal Hunt
  214. Sam Locke
  215. Amy Ayers
  216. David Ancil
  217. James Jacobs
  218. Nick Kile
  219. Kim Kile
  220. Emily Kile
  221. Erik Kile
  222. Erin Kay Kile
  223. Ethan Kile
  224. Carol Bachiniski
  225. Beverly Kussy
  226. Patrice Martin
  227. Nancy Scaggs
  228. Steven Sherwood
  229. Wayne Pence
  230. Barbara Kinsler

Not included in this list are all that volunteered but did not fill out a volunteer form. Not appearing on the above list were about 30 helpers for VBS, 15 helpers at Give for the Good Day, 20 helpers who arrive at cook-out site, some of the bean pickers at the Garden and 4 more people in the band at the VBS Celebration. We are pushing 300 summer volunteers. The danger of listing everyone is excluding someone. I can easily add someone here. Let me know if you or someone you know were omitted. Jeff

Community Garden

The Community Garden of Kokomo has provided KUO with fresh produce all summer. Recently, volunteers from KUO went to the garden and picked beans. Over 450 pounds were picked by KUO volunteers.

Thank you Community Garden and volunteers

Kawanis International

The Sunriser Kawanis Club recently, presented KUO for a check to purchase back packs for children.

Thank You Kawanis

Main St. United Methodist Church

Main St. UMC's Vacation Bible School collected offerings through the week and then purchased laundry soap for KUO to give to those in need. Main St. recently, became a distribution point for Angel Food Ministries.

Main St. also is the home of "God's Neighborhood Closet"!

Thanks Main St.

First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church has sent many volunteers to help on Sunday night. Recently some of their members have been providing us with food for lunches and cookouts. They have also provided some Angel Food Ministry boxes to some families. Several of the church have been prayer walking their neighborhood.

Thank You First Presbyterian


The folks at Shiloh gave me an opportunity to speak at their church recently, and presented KUO with a check.

Thanks Shiloh


Several folks from McGrawsville help us each week. Boyd, April and Dan pull the trailer and makes sure it is packed back correctly while Gary and Dee keep us organized and the hotdogs grilled.

Thanks McGrawsville

The Huddle

The Kokomo Huddle presented KUO with a new portable grill that is used at Pine Valley and enough lemonade mix to make 500 gallons of lemonade. I would like to personally thank Rex Gingrich and Dick Sanburn Kokomo Huddle Board members for their support of KUO.

Trinity UMC

Trinity is the church I pastor. Trinity has given us space of our office and much of what we do is filtered through the church building. During the recent lunches many from Trinity helped prepare, serve and clean-up the meals. They include:

  • Angie Sparks
  • Harry Sparks
  • Eve Yohn
  • Betty Spencer
  • Mary Ingle
  • Chris Newton
  • Pete Blue
  • Norma Blue
  • Pam Yohn
  • Dinny Bailey
  • Jamie Willis
  • Judy Whorley
Thanks Trinity for all you do!!!

Faith United Methodist Church

Faith UMC(my home church) under the leadership of Pastor Evan Strong has provided the outreach with hotdogs, peanut butter and volunteers.

Thanks Faith UMC

Christ Lutheran Church

Christ Lutheran under the leadership of Pastor Mark Sloss have sent their youth to help us on several occasions this past summer. Recently, they provided the outreach with school supplies.

Thank you Christ Lutheran

St. Andrews

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church under the leadership of Father Richard Lightsey was one of the first churches to come on board at KUO. This summer St. Andrew's youth has continued supporting us during our cook-outs. The youth and their leaders do a great job interacting with the children.

Thanks St. Andrews

First Church of God

The First Church of God Youth Group has helped with cook-outs each month. They play with the children. One guy spent a great deal of time teaching children how to play "jacks". They also have helped draw pictures on sidewalks, jump rope, play balls, throw Frisbees etc. etc.

Thanks First Church of God!!!

Parish Nurses

Parish Nurses from churches all over the county have been coming to the cook-outs at Garden Square on the second Sunday of each month. They have been doing blood pressure checks. They have had a great response each time, not only are they taking blood pressures they are building relationships. Often mother's ask questions about their children. Parish Nurse, Cindi Meyers, is spearhead a drive to bring smoking cessation classes to the neighborhood.

Thanks Parish Nurses and Cindi.

Alto United Methodist Church

Alto United Methodist Church under the leadership of Pastor Kent Kessler have been putting on weekly cook-outs at Pine Valley(another government housing apartment complex). They have provided much of the food and volunteers, along two KUO staff members. The church gave away back packs and school supplies. This fall they will take over Sidewalk Sunday School giving us a chance to move into a third area.

Thanks Alto!!!!

Russiaville UMC

Russiaville UMC under the leadership of Pastor Mike Tarner has been a big supporter of KUO. Our friends from Russiaville :

  • Have provided hamburgers for cookout
  • Have served in some fashion each week at the cook-outs
  • Had a back to school clothing give-away at the cookout site. They put tarps on the ground and filled it full of clothing.
  • Under the leadership of Judy and Marla have provided sewing lessons. Participants have made everything from pillows to pot holders.
Thanks to all of our friends from Russiaville UMC

Lowell United Methodist Church

A group from Lowell UMC which is not too far from Chicago spent a Sunday Afternoon, learning about KUO and helping us with cook-out. It was great to see old friends. It was such a blessing.

Thanks to all my friends from Lowell.

Bishop's Christmas Offering

The local school system provided lunches for neighborhood children from the time school ended until July 20. We began serving lunch the following week, we thought about 20-30 meals a day, we averaged about 100 meals a day. The difference concerned me as we did not have the food nor the money to keep that going for 18 days. I wondered what we were going to do. About the third day, I received a letter from the Bishop. I quickly opened it, as it is rare that I would receive a letter from the bishop. There was a check enclosed for $1400.00!!!! It was a portion of "The Bishop's Christmas Offering", that goes to children in poverty. God is good!!! We spent almost all of it, serving over 1,750 lunches.

Thank You Bishop Coyner and all the churches that collected the offering.

Bradley United Methodist Church

Pastor Clarinda Crawford from Greenfield, IN, has led two teams to Kokomo to help with our Sunday Night Outreach. Not only did they bring some great volunteers, they also brought lots of food....hotdogs, chips, cookies etc, etc, etc.

Thanks to Bradley UMC

Friday, August 17, 2007

St. Luke's United Methodist Church

During their Forty Days of Community program various small groups from St. Luke's UMC:

  • made 100's of homemade cookies
  • repaired bikes
  • supplied dinner
  • provided food
Along with the above:

  • Vacation Bible School provided potato chips for cook-outs all summer
  • One small group led by Lori Collins came to cookouts and did bike repair, did a personal hygiene education/ giveaway, and brought watermelon and taught kids new songs.
  • Provided Back Packs
Thanks St. Lukes

Grace United Methodist Church

Grace United Methodist Church:

  • will house Crisis Child Care Center
  • provided a grant of $5,000 for the Center
  • brought Vacation Bible School to Trinity providing leadership and all resources plus their children attended
  • put together a closing VBS celebration in Apartment complex with over 300 served
  • provided back packs and hygiene supplies
  • Susan Garner read and distributed books to neighborhood children
  • provided volunteers for a lunch
  • is the home church of summer intern Melissa Zimmerman
  • provided laptop and projector for power point presentations

Leadership Kokomo Thanks

Leadership Kokomo has provided KUO with:

  • A new fully equipped utility trailer(grills, toys, utensils, sound system, coolers, chairs, tables)
  • New shelving updating of our food storage area
  • One hundred plus backpacks with personal hygiene supplies in each one

Thanks Leadership Kokomo for your generosity.

Crossroads Community Church

Thanks to Crossroads for giving me a chance to share the story of KUO at their Saturday Night service and to allow a board member to share during the two Sunday Morning Services. I also want to thank Crossroads for sending several of KUO teens to their church camp for free. Thanks Steph. We also have had several volunteers this summer from the church along with regular volunteers Stephanie Berghoff and Karen Malone and their families.

Bridges Outreach

Bridges Outreach spent a day at KUO packing picnic dinners for the Vacation Bible School bash held at the end of July. Bridges also went door to door at Garden Square and Pine Valley passing out bags of groceries. Three hundred bags were distributed.

Thanks Bridges Outreach!!!

Community Foundation of Howard County

The Community Foundation of Howard County:

  • provided a series of workshops relating to non-profit capacity building
  • in cooperation with the Indiana Youth Institute provided KUO with a mini-grant that will enable us to receive 50 hours of non-profit consultation and coaching

Thanks Community Foundation

Serving in Love

Serving in Love:

  • is helping us expand in different areas of outreach throughout Kokomo
  • has offered to train churches to tutor/mentor in schools
Thanks "Serving in Love"

Kokomo Rescue Mission

Thank You Kokomo Rescue Mission!!! This summer the mission has:

  • provided some food for our lunches
  • provided us with a freezer
  • delivers products from Frito-Lay
  • been a source of encouragement for me

Friday, July 06, 2007

Next Steps

I believe we are in a position to consider expanding. We know for sure we are expanding the Board of Directors. We are excited and pleased to have received a Grant from the Community Foundation to provide a non-profit coach that will help us to understand what we need to do next as an organization. Please be in prayer for us as we begin to discern what our next step will be. You can continue to help by partnering with us through giving.

Our Address is:

Kokomo Urban Outreach
P.O. Box 20122
Kokomo, IN 46904-0122

Presently we have a balance of $26, 428.88, of which $5,000 was given for the Crisis Child Care Center. We have 21,428.88 available to us. Our budget is about 51,000 for the year not including Crisis Child Care.

Cook-Outs Continue

groups that have repaired bikes, provided hygiene supplies, organized games and passed out sacks of groceries. Along with all of that Parish Nurses have provided residents with blood pressure checks. The cook-outs at Pine Valley are led by Mary Ingle with our friends at Alto United Methodist Church volunteering weekly. Pine Valley has had face painting and almost always have hamburgers along with hot dogs. The cook-outs are going well.

Sewing classes are still going on Tuesday's at 10:30 AM, as well as reading. Sidewalk Sunday School will continue on Thursday's and Friday's until the end of July when there will be about a six break.

Vacation Bible School will be provided by Grace UMC, July 16-19 from 6:30-8:15 PM at Trinity UMC.

We are still looking for used computers to start a computer class in the fall and we are gearing up for smoking cessation classes.

I will be working with two new churches and will continue to work with those already moving into their neighborhoods.

Thanks to all who are helping to transform our community.

Kid's Cafe


Week One


Hotdogs/Macorni and Cheese/Green Beans/Desert

Peanut Butter sandwiches/ corn/ fruit


Left- over buffet

Week Two

Hamburger Helper/corn/desert

Grilled Cheese/Tomato Soup/desert

Pancakes/sausage/Fruit Cocktail

Chicken/rice/ veg/desert

Left-over buffet

Week Three

Pigs in blanket/Mac and cheese/desert


Hamburger sandwiches/ chips/ fruit/desert


Left over buffet

Week Three(School Starts on Wednesday)



We Need

Salad in bag

Hamburger(40 pounds)

Shredded cheese(10 pounds)

2 five pound blocks of sliced cheese

Taco Shells(about 75)

Each Friday children will receive food to take home for weekend.


We will start collecting Back-to-School back packs. The back packs will be stuffed full of personal hygiene supplies. Things we need include:

Toothpaste(full size tube)
Bar of Soap
Wash cloth
Shampoo(full size bottle)
4 pack toilet tissue
Deodorant for older kids

And of course Back Packs

We would like everything by August 10th. If you or your group can help us please call me at 461-9618.

Sidewalk Sunday School July 2007

We just finished up with the first fruit: Love. WOW!!! I learned there are several types of Agape love. Agape love is more a "response" than a feeling. We respond to others the way Christ responds to us. We should be meeting people's needs, not just physical needs, but spiritual needs. God's command to us is to love as He loves. God demonstrated His love for us when His precious Son died on the cross. His blood was shed for you and me. We now have liberty (freedom)to live a life loving and serving Jesus and others. While Jesus was here on earth, He had an intimate relationship with His Heavenly Father. He showed "Agape love" (actions) by the way He responded to meeting the people's needs. Healings, deliverances, and building relationships with them.
I challenge all of you to read John 17. Read it several times and let the words soak in to your spirit. You will get a glimpse into the very intimate moment between Father and Son. The first five verses is Jesus praying for Himself. Verses 6-19, Jesus is praying for His disciples. The last set of verses, 20-26, Jesus is praying for the saints. (Us) Praise God, we all have an Intercessor.
In closing, please remember where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. We have the liberty (freedom) to share and show the love of Christ to all. You may be the only Jesus they may see. Agape love is patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, not rude, not self-sought, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, does not delight in evil, but rejoices in truth, always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres, and finally agape never fails.
Update on the Pine Valley Cookouts
The Lord is good!!! The cookouts are going great!!! We have an awesome team of volunteers that comes every week and helps us. We serve approx. 50+ kids and adults every Sunday. We grill 100+ hotdogs and we also grill 30+hamburgers. Plus we serve chips, cookies, and drinks. I play games with the kids and sometimes I get their parents involved with the games as well. We have a parent who does face painting for the kids. They love it!!! Their favorite game is when I bring out the big parachute and we play games with that. We have a great time of fellowship with the residents there. Alot of new friendships has developed through the cookouts. They know we are there to share Jesus with them and to let them know that we love them also. Please continue to keep ALL the Kokomo Housing residents in your prayers. Please pray that they will see Jesus in all of the changes that may be taking place. THANK YOU to St. Luke's VBS for their gifts for the kids, money for chips, and to all who have prayed,donated food, volunteered. Without all of you, this ministry would not be going. THANK YOU and God bless.
Summer SWSS Update
The kids are having a great time at SSWSS. We are teaching the kids the Beatitudes. We have a lesson, singing, prayer time, and a craft. Sometimes we play a game.They all get a snack to take home with them. We have approx. 15-20 kids from Garden Square on Thursday afternoons and 20 from Pine Valley on Friday afternoons.
We have 6 adults who helps me and I appreciate ALL they have done. I have had to miss a couple of weeks and they stepped up and did a great job. Again, I cannot thank God enough for ALL He has provided for Sidewalk Sunday School and the cookouts. We are so blessed to have this opportunity to spend time with the kids and to continually tell them about Jesus' love for them. These kids mean soo much too me and to the volunteers. Again ,THANK YOU to all who has supported SWSS. Please keep all of us, kids, and their parents in your prayers.
Vacation Bible School "Quest for Truth" Grace & Trinity teaming up July 16th-20th
Time 6:30-8:15 at Trinity. Friday night (20th) " Block Party" in front of Garden Square
Community Center. Featuring Stephen Sherwood and Praise Team. Free food!!
Free Admission!!! Come and enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit. Don't forget your
lawn chair. There will be a training meeting July 9th @7:00 at Trinity.
Needs: Volunteers & Cookies
Cookouts: Anyone who would like to come and observed what we do at the
cookouts on Sundays are ALWAYS welcome. You may either come to Pine Valley
from 4:30-5:30 or Garden Square 5:00-6:00. You are truly missing out on being
Prayer Concerns: Cookouts, VBS, Pastor Jeff and Miss Mary, all of our
volunteers, donors, ALL Kokomo Housing Residents, churches who are
stepping out and ministering to their neighborhoods, God continually blesses
and guides KUO/SWSS as we step out MORE in the neighborhoods in our
community and we will be accepted by them. They will see Jesus through our
love, caring, and sharing for them.
May God bless all of you as all of you are blessing God. Amen.
Miss Mary

Summer Intern

.....doing a great job as she works in Sidewalk Sunday School, coordinates loading of cook-out trucks, teaches Children's Sunday School, participates in worship, keeps the food pantry area clean and food stocked, plays with kids at cook-outs, passes out fliers and the list can go on and on. I will let her introduce herself to you:

My name is Melissa Zimmerman. I grew up in Greentown and attended Grace United Methodist my entire life. This fall I start my sophomore year at DePauw University where I double major in Spanish and Religious Studies. When I was twelve I first recieved my call to be an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, so I am working through the process I must
follow to achieve that goal. After Undergraduate School, I will go to seminary and continue through the steps to ordination. This internship gives me an opportunity to see what a pastor like Jeff does, and it shows me the importance of missions in our own backyard.

Keep Melissa in your prayers.

Give for the Good

the answer is YES!!!! Actually, on the Fourth we filled about 1/2 of it with about 2 1/2 tons of food and other supplies. The miracle happened on the 5th. We were unloading the semi into trucks when Deanna received a call on her cell phone from Tyson Transport of Wilmington, NC. They had a question for her....she asked them how they got her number. They said they did a search for food pantries in Logansport her number came up. As a side note Deanna is not associated with any food pantries anywhere. She does work for the Girl Scouts in Logansport. I came home and did the same search on several search engines and nothing came up at all. The question was could we take 79 cases of whole chickens. Cases were damaged, chickens were fresh and they had to give them away quickly. The 79 cases represented 790 whole chickens or 2 3/4 tons, of course we could not take them however, the Rescue Mission could take them. When the chickens were added to the other food collected there was more than a semi load of food. We estimate that we have 5 tons of food to giveaway because of Deanna's efforts(that is about 10,000 meals). Deanna recruited volunteers and promoted the event in a newspaper article and through some radio promotion, however, email was what did the trick. People emailing others. What a day!!!!! Thanks Deanna and volunteers along with Kroger who gave a portion of the parking lot for the day and Syndicate Sales for the use of the semi trailer. God is so Good!!!!

Leadership Kokomo

a disaster trailer(we will be working on preparing item to put on trailer to respond to a disaster),
mobile Side Walk Sunday School trailer(pull into neighborhoods and put on SWSS in parks, etc. ) and a rolling food pantry. A special thanks to Kokomo Leadership Team Three for all that has been done and will be done.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Crisis Child Care Center Director Job Description

Crisis Child Care Center Director

Job Description

Our mission is to provide quality, short-term, emergency childcare service to families in need, enabling parents to go to job interviews, healthcare appointments, and other essential appointments.

Job Title: Director of Crisis Child Care Center

Reports To: Executive Director of Kokomo Urban Outreach

FLSA Status: Part-Time (Mon, Wed, Thurs 7:45 AM-12:15 PM with an additional 4.5 hours of administration)


Directs activities of CCCC to ensure the physical and emotional well being of our children by performing the following duties:

ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned.

  • Recruit, train, and oversee all CCCC volunteers.
  • Complete a reference and background check for each volunteer.
  • Ensure cleanliness and safety of facility.
  • Understand, review and enforce CCCC policies.
  • Maintain an adequate inventory of supplies; i.e., snacks, drinks, diapers, wipes, etc. and ensure that rooms are well stocked at all times.
  • Routinely inspect nursery equipment and toys.
  • Plan activities for children.
  • Keep detailed records of clients, children and volunteers.
  • Schedule all workers and find substitute caregivers when necessary.
  • Understand budget of CCCC.
  • Prepare and submit monthly reports to Director of Kokomo Urban Outreach.


Directly supervises the volunteers.

QUALIFICATIONS to perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Additionally, CPR training is required.


Prefer a candidate with Early Childhood Development degree or equivalent experience.


Ability to read and interpret documents such as safety rules, operating and maintenance instructions, and procedure manuals. Ability to write routine reports and correspondence.


Ability to apply common sense understanding to carry out instructions furnished in written, oral, or diagram form. Ability to deal with problems efficiently and effectively while maintaining good working relationships.

PHYSICAL DEMANDS - The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job.

While performing the duties of this job, the employee is frequently required to stand; walk; sit; use hands to finger, handle, or feel; reach with hands and arms; stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl; and talk or hear. The employee must frequently lift and/or move up to 30 pounds.

WORK ENVIRONMENT - The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job...

The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate. The building is multi-level with several sets of stairs, but is handicap assessable and equipped with an elevator. It is a nonsmoking environment.


The above statements are intended to describe the general nature of this job and the level of work performed by employees in this position. Some requirements may exclude individuals who pose a direct threat or significant risk to the health and safety of themselves or other employees.

This job description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by the employee occupying this position. Employees will be required to follow any other job-related instructions and to perform any other job-related duties required by their supervisor.

Requirements are representative of minimum levels of knowledge, skills, and/or aptitudes to perform each duty proficiently.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sidewalk Sunday School June 2007

......"Kingdom Builders" here on earth. Jesus is counting on us to be his disciples. I am so thankful for the Body of Christ who are so willing to come and work together for His Kingdom at KUO. Touching hearts and Changing lives is what our mission is about. Serving and loving others. If you have not had the opportunity to come and be a part of the cookouts at either Garden Square or Pine Valley, please come at least once. You will definitely be blessed.
Pine Valley Cookouts
I have been praying all winter about should we start cookouts at Pine Valley . God has definitelty answered my prayers. I give Him all the glory for everything!!!
WOW!!! God is so good!!! So amazing!!! So awesome!!! The cookouts are going so well.
God is and has been providing everything we need from food, drinks, and especially special people to come and serve. Thank you! Thank you to those who have donated hot dogs, buns, cookies, and pieces of cake. You are all a blessing. Just to give you an idea of how many we are serving, we average every Sunday from 50-70. Our first Sunday we served 100+. Since then a little lower. That's okay. Numbers are not what is important. People are.

All are welcome to come and join us. EVERY Sunday. Rain or Shine. Our starting time for serving has been around at 4:30. We have been done by 5:15-5:30.
Summer Sidewalk Sunday School
We will be starting our first time Summer Sidewalk Sunday School Thursday, June 7th for Garden Square from 3:00-4:00 on the church yard. Friday, June 8th, 3:00-4:00 we will be at Pine Valley by the community center. Our theme is "Sermon on the Mount". The
BEE-ATTITUDES. We will be singing, praying, storytime, crafts, games, and a giving a snack to take home. I could use more volunteers. Please let me know if you want to receive a blessing.
Upcoming Event
Vacation Bible School is coming to Trinty UMC July 16th-20th. This will be a joint event with Grace UMC. Time is 6:30-8:15PM. We need more volunteers for VBS. We will be having a meeting Monday, June 4th at 7:00 . The last night of VBS, Friday night, "BLOCK PARTY" featuring "God's Alliance" in front of Garden Square Community Center. The Holy Spirit will definitely be "rocking". I am so excited about this event. Steven Sherwood and other members of God's Alliance is soooo AMAZING!!! So spirit filled!!! Mark this event on your calendar. You will not want to miss it. Don't forget your lawn chair. Oh, you may not need it if you like to jump and get excited for I do!!! I call it the "Holy Spirit Jump". HA!!
Items needed
Juices boxes, cases of pop (cans) individual bags of cookies & chips, assortment of individual wrapped candy bars, twizzlers, popsicles, hot dogs, or whatever else you feel led to donate. Very much appreciated!!!
As you can see it is going to be a busy summer, but a rewarding one. Please keep me, volunteers, and KUO in your prayers as we continue to do His work and show His love to the kids and to their families. That all we do is in His plans. Also, pray for yourselves, say "Here Am I, Send me". He may put on your heart to be a part of one of the many opportunities you are given to serve Him this summer at KUO.
In Christian love,
Miss Mary

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sidewalk Sunday School May 2007

is the Fruit of the Spirit that dwells in me, faith, walking and serving in love for others. Those I’ve caught, they’re not too small; therefore, I’m not throwing them back in. Instead, I’m praying and letting them know how much Jesus and I love them.
Have you been fishing for Jesus lately? Through faith, we become disciples of Jesus Christ and, as such, it is our privilege to share and tell the good news about Jesus. We share with others the message of the salvation that is ours. We need to not only share Christ with our family, friends, and church family, but with all that we meet in our everyday lives. We need to “stretch” ourselves to identify and recognize opportunities to tell others the good news of Jesus Christ. We also need to be the “face of God” to others. When people expect condemnation, God’s face says, You are forgiven. When they need a friend, they see God’s face and it says, You are welcome here. Our faces can become the face of God to a world looking for grace. So let’s “go fishing” together for Jesus at Kokomo Urban Outreach and in our surrounding community and especially our neighborhoods.
It is hard to believe that we just had our last indoor Sidewalk Sunday School this past weekend. We will be starting our cookouts May 6th. Which is this coming Sunday. They will be from 5-6:00 at Garden Square. God has put it on my heart to start doing cookouts at Pine Valley on the same day and the same time. Pastor Jeff will be overseeing the cookout at Garden Square while I will be overseeing the one at Pine Valley. We only need approx. 5 people out at Pine Valley. Please pray and if you want to help serve out at Pine Valley, Please let me ( or Pastor Jeff know. Our cooks gives us the opportunity to meet the kids families that we have been ministering to. Building relationships is the key to starting a new ministry.

Other Opportunities for you to “Go Fishing”

Summer Sidewalk Sunday School
Theme : BEE-ATTITUDES (Sermon On the Mount)
Summer Sidewalk Sunday School at Garden Square
Every Thursday starting June 7th from 3:00-4:00 in the church yard.
Then we will be doing our Visitation (passing out flyers to every apartment)

Every Friday starting June 9th from 3:00-4:00 at Pine Valley we will be doing the same lessons with the kids there. Then we will be doing visitation there as well. (100 apt) Summer SWSS consists of singing, story, prayer time, and a game. We will be doing crafts twice a month. Our lessons take us up to the end of July. Then we will take the month of August off so that I can start planning our fall session of SWSS. Actually, I have it narrowed down to two themes. I am praying about. Which theme the Lord wants us to go with. If you are interested in helping, Sunday School groups, youth groups, Bible study groups, or just families wants to help, please let me know ASAP.

Grace UMC is teaming up with us at Trinity UMC (SWSS) for VBS during the week of July 16-20. The time is 6:30-8:15. The theme is “Quest for Truth”. It is like an Indiana Jones them. The kids are going to love it. Please let me know if you want to be a part of our VBS.

What we can use for our Summer SWSS/VBS

  • Hugs (drinks)
  • Honey Comb cereal
  • Candy bars
  • Juice boxes
  • Suckers
  • Individual bags of chips

As you can see, our summer calendar for SWSS is full. I am so excited to be doing this during the summer for the kids. The kids need something “positive” to do while school is out. I would love for all of you to be a part of our Summer SWSS/VBS. Without all of our awesome volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to do this ministry. Thank you for giving your donations, and especially your time serving the Lord. Please pray and ask the Lord where He wants you to serve and "Go Fishing" at KUO or in your own neighborhood. Please also to continue to pray for all of us at KUO that His will be done and that He receives all the glory.

In Christian Love,
Miss Mary