Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hometown Heroes Pay It Forward

We have been blessed at the Outreach to have received hundreds of volunteer hours, thousands of dollars, tons of food and lots of prayers. We are grateful for all of that. Below are a few of the Hometown Heroes who have made a difference.

Alan Mast and the Cattle Project

Alan Mast, a junior at Northwestern High School, came up with the idea to raise beef steers and donate the meat to Kokomo Urban Outreach. Alan has raised cattle for profit and desires to use his knowledge and skills to serve KUO. He, along with his church (Howard /Miami Mennonite) youth group, are going to purchase, feed, raise, and donate cattle to KUO (For every steer donated, there will be enough meat to serve between 4,000 and 5,000 meals!). Presently, Alan and his group have purchased two steers and are well on the way to providing 8,000-10,000 meals. Thanks Alan!!!!

Dwight and Suzanne Fouts and Project Diaper

At the end of the summer of 2009, Dwight Fouts came to me with a concern. Because of the economic downturn, he knew there were many families stuggling to keep diapers in their house.

Jim Williams and GED

Grace United Methodist Church

Grace Church was one of the very first Churches to support the Outreach. I have been listed in their bulletin as a Hometown Missionary for nearly 5 years. This summer Grace acquired the old AFEC Building near the corner of Washington and Walnut Street. Immediately, they offered the space to the Outreach, an office and space for ArtReach. KUO now has a downtown presence.
Through the generosity of the folks at Grace a new pick-up truck, a 24 foot trailer, racks, and food for a rolling food pantry, called "Food to You". The rolling pantry would go into neighborhoods that do not have food pantries and would operate much like a bookmobile.
This is a project of KUO and the Kokomo Rescue Mission.

Chapel Hill Anoymous Donor

Button Motors

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